I am a UI Developer with enthusiasm and focus on Frontend Development and Scripting.
I am passionate about building scalable software, creating effective solutions, and learning every day to grow professionally in the IT field.
Quote Generator is a Single Page application built using HTML, CSS and Javascript. You can also post your favourite quote in your Twitter account.
TapTask is an Application where we can create a task, delete a task and strike through a task. The deleted task is displayed in another list beside it. It is developed using HTML, CSS and Javascript. We can use the application in dark mode also.
Autopopulate Application is developed using HTML CSS and Javascript. Using a dummy API we pull the data and display the name in Dropdown box. On selecting a particular name below fields automatically populates with the respective user data with a dummy user image.
Scroll up and Keep getting the images from unsplash. The Technology used are HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Find your friends is a application built using React. Where we can find our friends both by using Username and email ID. The technology I used are HTML, Tachyons for CSS, and React. Used Robohash for createing dummy dynamic images.
Get Color Palette helps you Extract the color from a Image. It is built on HTML, CSS and Pure Javascript using the color Thief API.